Elegante e senza tempo abito vestaglia in pura seta profilata a contrasto.
Scollo a v sovrapposto e lunga gonna lievemente svasata e scivolata, ricche maniche a sbuffo. Chiuso in vita da un’abbottonatura nascosta con una cinta ton sur ton.
Il tessuto proviene da un’antica tessitura italiana attenta alla sostenibilità.
This timeless long pure silk dress with contrasting piping and rich sleeves is cut in a slightly slim fit inspired by double-breasted blazers. It is overlapped on the front and has a tor sur ton waist belt.
The fabric is from an ancient Italian company that guarantees to end consumers a sustainable product.
Tessuto/Material: 100% Pure Silk
Product availability: Morfosis is a fashion brand that pays attention to sustainability and, to avoid piling stocks, has chosen to produce on demand.
If your size is not available, ask Morfosis info@morfosis.it.
When materials are in, clothes will be made on request only for you and shipped within 20 days of purchase.